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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  February 4, 2013 8:00am-10:00am PST

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martha: that is the live shot right now of the gathering for the funeral of the former mayor of new york city, ed koch. he will be warmly remembered. president bill clinton will be speaking there at the funeral today. the mayor who famously asked everybody, how am i doing all across the city. he was really beloved by a bipartisan gathering of new yorkers i would say and today he will be remembered at temple emanuel at new york city. that will be quite a service i would imagine there. >> there are so many ed koch stories to go around. the "new york post" the other day answered his famous line with a front page that said, you did great. he was a beloved mayor of
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new york city. martha: yeah, indeed he was and he is being remembered right now. more on that later. gregg, thank you for being with us today. >> my pleasure. martha: we'll see you back here tomorrow and "happening now" starts right now. jenna: right now we have brand new stories and breaking news. >> the little boy at the center of the hostage drama, tense negotiations to get him free and the high-tech surveillance equipment now helping investigators. also the troop drawdown in afghanistan. new reaction from inside that country. what the afghan people fear might happen when u.s. forces leave. plus, lights out at the super bowl. did you catch this? a power outage putting the big game on hold for more than a half an hour. what was the behind the blackout? jenna: let's not jinx anything. we need our lights. jon: we do. it is all "happening now." jon: first up today, that terrifying hostage situation in alabama now in its 7th
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day. good morning to you. i'm jon scott. jenna: what a story. good morning everybody, i'm jenna lee. drones are now flying over that underground bunker where police say jimmy lee dykes is holding a 5-year-old boy hostage. the boy has asperger's syndrome and is said to be as comfortable as possible. it all began when the suspect allegedly boarded a school bus, demanding hostages. police say he shot the driver when the driver tried to intervene. that driver, charles poland, was laid to rest this weekend. investigators say besides careful negotiations, dykes is showing very few signs that he is willing to end the standoff. elizabeth prann is live in midland, alabama, where she has been since the story first broke. what do we expect to hear from law enforcement today? >> reporter: well, we're about an hour away from a scheduled press briefing where we hope to learn more information about the suspect. all eyes are on jimmy lee dykes.
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we hope to learn more about the conditions in that underground bunker where he is holding the 5-year-old boy. authorities tell us they're working 24 hours a day. a constant shift of authorities. in fact they set up a compound right next to our location. over the weekend authorities gave us a first-hand look at the bus involved as it was towed away from the crime scene. authorities holding a press conference thanking the suspect, for quote, taking care of this boy. there is heater in the bunker. the young kindergartener is getting comfort food such as potato chips, toys and coloring book and medication. there is an open line of communication in the pvc pipe we've been hearing about. neighbors described of the man as a menacing figure who often gave threats of violence. jenna. jenna: as we look at some of the video we've seen over the last several days there is this real sense we're seeing of the same thing being repeated and not a lot of progress we put on.
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there is shot what is happening on sunday. we're showing our viewers now. what about the community overall? are schools back in session? are people trying to get back to their daily life? >> reporter: well, there is certainly an effort of a sense of normalcy. there are some schools that are back today but some dale county schools, including that elementary school, does remain closed where the little boy attended. the neighborhood behind me where dozens of families live, they can't get back into their homes. the community is continuing to mourn charles poland. he is a man who gave his life protecting these young children. family and friends called him chuck. we attended his very emotional funeral service yesterday. there was a school bus procession followed by a patriot guard procession. i spoke to an elderly couple who lived near poland after he married his wife decades ago. they say his heroic acts on the bus truly exemplify the character. >> when the man approached him he opened the back door
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to let all the children out. so it's, you know, not everybody would have thought to do that. >> reporter: also in the community, jenna, we're seeing ribbons. the black symbolizing the slain bus driver. the blue and red are the little boy's school colors. in fact these are lining the fence to his school. we're seeing the community really rally today. there is still a sense of uneasiness as they wait for this little boy's safety return. jenna. jenna: elizabeth, thank you. one of our big stories today, elizabeth prann in alabama. >> do you ever now looking back have any regrets at all about anything that you did? >> yes, i do. to the people i couldn't save. jon: he was one of the most effective snipers in modern military history. today new information on the murder of that hero who survived four tours in iraq. another veteran he was trying to help is now charged with killing retired navy s.e.a.l. chris kyle at
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a gun range in texas. casey stiegel, with more on that. a lot of talk about ptsd, post-tramatic stress disorder. did the gunman here have that? >> reporter: we simply don't know. it is important to point out that chris kyle had a reputation for helping troops who had come back home and suffered ptsd but we do not know if that is the case with this man. the only thing the pentagon told us about the alleged gunman he was a corporal in the marines and that he was active duty from 2006 to 2010. did tours of duty in iraq and haiti but was most recently listed as reserve. at a weekend news conference authorities here in texas says he was unemployed and navy suffered from a mental illness as a result of his time in the military but no real motive has been given. kyle, his friend, chad littlefield and roth drove to the gun range in kyle's
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truck on saturday where investigators say ralph shot and killed the two men, stole the truck and drove to his sister's home. told them what he had done and they called police. he is now being held on $3 million bond and there are even reports this morning that the 25-year-old suspected gunman is being unruly in jail. he was tased after attacking some staff there and now reportedly on suicide watch, jon? jon: kyle, a very high-profile former seal. you saw the opinion, apperance there on "the o'reilly factor." i guess reaction is coming in from all over the world, you're? >> reporter: he had many, many followers beloved for his work on and oaf the battlefield. kyle was so feared by iraqi insurgents through his work as aat a bounty was put on his head. we know he wrote a "new york times" best-selling autobiography, american sniper. he also create ad nonprofit organization that provides fitness equipment for
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emotionally and physically wounded veterans. he did a lot of therapy work with troops returning home from war. >> a lot of people were asking, why are you taking somebody struggling out to go shooting? shooting for guys like us in the military is very familiar skill set. like taking a basketball player out to shoot hoops, you know? shooting with military veterans trying to readjust could be very healing. chris really used that well to his advantage to help people. >> reporter: he was just 38 years old, survived by a wife and two children. jon, still a lot of unanswered questions on this. we're of course following this story very closely for you. jon: just a sad story all the way around. casey stegall. >> reporter: you said it. jenna: a startling new warning about iran's nuclear program today. sources telling fox news scientists there are not only quickly reaching a point of no return when it comes to their ability to build a bomb but they could soon ramp up production
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allowing them to create a nuclear arsenal. aimly kellogg is live in london with this report. we hear a report about these time lines and nuclear negotiations, the diplomatic side to all this. there are some new talks. what with are the expectations for these new negotiations. >> reporter: jenna the negotiations always used to take place in european capitals. then they moved to turkey. then to iraq and this latest will be in kazakhstan it appears. it seems that iran wants cities or places that are more neutral to it. it is certainly hard to prejudge the outcome of these talks. the foreign minister at a security conference in munich over the weekend was making positive noises about what could be achieved in the new obama administration, the second term you about it is ultimately the supreme leader who calls the shots. certainly the fact that iran told the u.n. nuclear watchdog last week it was going to be deploying a significant number of second generation centrifuges that can spin uranium three times
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as fast as ones currently used is not a sign of stepping back, jenna. it is certainly a sign of moving quickly along. there are some experts who think that actually more rigorous, intensive, sustained negotiations at this point will be more useful than sanctions. then there are different opinions at this point about this point of no return. some say it his iran has enough fissile materiel it could make a nuclear warhead. and that would be this summer by many estimates. others are saying that red line point is when iran can do that but do it in a way that is undetected by world powers so they won't really have an opportunity to respond in time. and some experts are frankly saying iran is already at this point is a nuclear power because it frankly does have the know-how, jenna. jenna: as we were mentioning, a lot of different time lines on this. we do know that the u.n. nuclear watchdog has a trip planned to iran. they want to get into a specific site but they haven't been able to get there so what's the latest
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on that trip and what this watchdog group might or might not be able to see? >> reporter: well david albright's isis organization, jenna, just released new satellite imagery of parcihn, that is the military installation is in question. that is where the iaea, the u.n. nuclear watchdog is where high explosive tests were conducted in the early part of the millennium. there is flurry of activity since inspectors asked to see it. in may of last year there was evidence of buildings being attorney down. january 17th images show there is new construction where those buildings were raised and a new or extended perimeter fence. some suspect iran has been trying to clean that site of evidence. >> looks like iran in the kind of the last phase, which is to reconstruct the site. so it is reelecting perimeter fences, the last parts of rebuilding buildings. and so it looks like it is wrapping up.
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>> reporter: so again, jenna, we don't know exactly what is going on in parchin because the inspectors have not been let in. there is concern there is cleanup going on. if they do get in some point in february, this month, it may be very difficult for them to detect exactly what went on at the time there may have been some explosive testing. jenna. jenna: interesting, former weapons inspector david albright is the guy to talk to about all this he will join us the next hour, aim i in. thank you for that report today. >> reporter: you're welcome. jon: taking a look at the upper east side of manhattan. funeral services for ed koch scheduled to get underway about ten minutes ago. it appears in fact they have begun now. mourners are packing that historic temple on the upper east side on 5th avenue to remember the 12-year mayor of manhattan. a buy who helped bring the city of back. mayor of manhattan, i should say new york city, helped bring the city back from financial ruin back in the
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1980s, a beloved colorful figure. ed koch died last week at the age of 88. he is to be laid to rest today. funeral services underway right now. jenna: another big story we're watching this is murder of a young american mother in turkey. some new leads developing in that case. who police are now questioning to try to get answers. also today the president is taking his push for gun control on the road but he faces a tough battle on capitol hill for his proposals to ban assault weapons and institute universal background checks. we'll go in depth on that story just lead -- ahead. this is $100,000.
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jenna: welcome back, everyone. right now some crime stories making headlines around the world including this one from the jodi arias murder trial. the defense is pressing ahead in its case. the woman is accused
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brutally killing her boyfriend and her lawyers are trying to show she acted in self-defense as they portray the victim as a liar and a cheat. police in turkey say they're questioning at least 11 people in the connection with the murder of an american mother on vacation there. her body was found saturday near the ruins of an ancient city wall. trying to find answers in this case. also a series of arson attacks in virginia. the latest one breaking out over the weekend, bringing the total number of intentionally-set fires to more than 40 in virginia this november. jon: president obama heading to minneapolis right now. he will push there for new gun control measures. the president wants a ban on assault weapons and universal background checks but his proposals face a lot of resistance on capitol hill with some lawmakers and the national rifle association opposing the plans to change the country's gun laws. talk about it with david drucker, the associate politics editor at "roll
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call". it appears, the white house, david, decided if you can't get action from congress on this issue, they're going to try to go over congress's heads, go straight to the american people and continue some kind of a p.r. campaign, right? >> yep. and that's what president, jon, normally do, especially after a second term victory. they usually of both parties tend to come to the conclusion, rightly or wrongly, talking to congress is a big waste of time. i will continue to campaign especially without the pressure of worrying about poll numbers because i'm actually not running for re-election anymore. i still think at the end of the day it won't be about pressure from the public unless you see a real sea change on guns. it quill will be more about two things. can the president get resistant senate democrats to support his agenda for more gun regulations? two, can he get some support from house republicans? and i think on both counts it's iffy whether he will be
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able to achieve some results. particularly with the more stringent proposals that he is after like an assault weapons ban on more background checks. that is where some consensus might develop. jon: typically when the president butts heads with congress he likes to blame congressional republicans on the house side for failure to push forward his legislative agenda or one he likes but in this case as you point out he has just as many problems with democrats? >> that's true. it is nothing wrong with a democratic president blaming republicans for things. that is often the way politics works t will be often house republicans putting the brakes on his agenda the next two years. they have the ability to do that and i'm sure they will use that ability. in this case the second amendment and gun rights have become such an ingrained part of american culture at least until now, after the 2000 presidential election democrats pretty much gave up on the idea politically of more gun control. it was a losing proposition for them. so if you can't beat them,
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join them. they joined with republicans and support for the second amendment and for gun rights has been strong on both sides of the aisle including with senate majority leader harry reid, the top democrat in the senate. so, you know, again the key is going to be given some of the events over the last year and this push from the white house, will the president be able to convince senators like reid, like mark pryor from arkansas, like mary landrieu from louisiana, et cetera, to go along with the kinds of gun regulations they have not supported in the past and then once that happens, can he create pressure among house republicans? again i think where he might be able to get something done is with an expanded type of background check, banning assault weapons, i just see as a nonstarter completely. jon: david drucker from "roll call". david, good to have you on. thank you. >> thanks a lot. jenna: the pakistani girl who survived being shot in the head by the taliban is speaking clearly and has now
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released her own video statement. the brave teenager's message to the world, a show of resilience for you this monday next. also last night's battle between the ravens and 49ers set a new record for the longest super bowl ever, thanks in part to this, the blackout during the third quarter. we're going to take a look what may have caused the outage. is it beyonce's fault, jon? that is the big question. the halftime show, did it do it? jon: you know, at least people drank a lot of beer during that 34 minutes. jenna: it apparently helped the television ratings as welcoming across from the "new york times." very interesting. big story for us. we'll get to the bottom of this mystery, hopefully next.
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jon: new developments in the remarkable recovery of that pakistani teenager who
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defied the taliban. 15-year-old malala yousufzai was shot in the head last year after she spoke out for the rights of girls to get an education. now she is releasing a video statement speaking clearly about her recovery. jamie colby live with that from our new york newsroom. >> reporter: jon, who doesn't love a great success and survival story. the doctors clearly had to wait it out, see how much damage was done when the teenager took a bullet to the head by the taliban before they could predict whether or not 15-year-old malala would do this. >> today you can see that i'm alive. i can speak. i can see you. i can see everyone and today i can speak and i'm getting better day by day. >> reporter: wow! the 15-year-old has been recovering since her hospital release and she has underground two operations including one to replace with titanium the part of her skull that was blown away at close range when they tried, the taliban,stop heo
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see all girls in her country have the right to an education. >> it was specially made, custom plate over the deficit in her skull which is this sort of size in the entrance. and, left-hand side of her skull. >> reporter: wow, the outspoken activist not giving up on her dreams to help others. her determination even stronger after outpouring of support she experienced following her injuries. >> because of these prayers god has given me this new life. and this is a second life. this is a new life. you want to serve. i want to serve the people. and i want every girl, every child to be educated. >> reporter: i love this little girl. malala's latest surgery restored her hearing with a cock letter implant. she will do so with a newly formed found decision, the malala fund, $10 million
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strong courtesy of pakistan. jon? jon: she is amazing, wow. >> reporter: so are the doctors. good for her. jon: jamie colby, thank you. jenna: new orleans was enjoying its moment in the national spotlight when suddenly the superdome plunged into darkness. the power outage putting the super bowl on hold for more than half an hour. what could cause a blackout right in the middle of the biggest football game of the year? we'll call on the experts. gregory reed is the direct are to you are of the university pittsburgh center for energy this was pretty hot halftime show. this happened after that. do you think beyonce had anything to do with this in your expert opinion? >> well it is hard to tell right now. very well could have. i guess we'll have to look at the sequence of events to see when the power outage actually occurred and when the show actually ended and how much stress anything from that show may have put on the electrical infrastructure within the super boehm but right now
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there really isn't enough evidence to suggest either way that it was caused by the electrical stresses from that show or not. >> there was a lot of energy, certainly during that show. >> yeah. jenna: there is a joint statement released by entergy, new orleans, the power provider to the stadium superdome, the superdome operator. could you translate this for us this is jar most don't understand. a piece of equipment designed to monitor electrical load sensed an be a normality in the system. wins the issue was detected the sensing equipment operated as designed and opened a breaker causing power to be partially cut. what does that mean? >> so the monitoring device is something known as protective relay and a very sophisticated piece of equipment that is always monitoring the condition of the power network, whether it is on the utility distribution network or within the building itself. and it is mon are to go the voltage and the current and all the energy that is flowing into the building.
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when it sensed there was an be a nor mali or something wrong in the system, in this case it sound like it was a power surge, it then activates the communication to trip what they call circuit breakers which are really great big switches. so think of the light switch that you turn on and off in a room to put the lights on or off. a circuit breaker is basically that same thing but within a facility like the super dome or on a utility's distribution network it is a much larger switch and has a lot of high energy contained within it. so when a circuit breaker opens, there's a lot of separation of energy and in this case it would be enough to disconnect an entire section of the superdome is what we saw last night. jenna: that is remarkable even to see over and over again, when you see the whole side of the stadium just go dark. it took 34 minutes to get back up and working. i'm curious what do you think of that timeline? does that seem remarkable
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they were able it do that in that timeline? what does it tell us about the problem that it took that length of time? >> it tells us it was a serious fault or occurrence whatever occurred. it wasn't something that was simple enough to just, what we call, reclose on. in other words there was a fault that wasn't that significant and we're able to quickly get everything back into service. something obviously failed to the point where it had to take the system out of service. normally you don't trip a circuit breaker unless you have a real significant event on the system that may have caused damage it some equipment. now in terms of, in terms of the time it took to get it back on i think they did a fantastic job actually. jenna: it is amazing they were even able to get everything back up and working. we'll look for more information about that be a normty. that is the big question. >> that's right. jenna: i'm curious, the director of energy, right? entergy power for the pittsburgh center, university of pittsburgh center for energy and power. do you carry a flashlight on
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you? are you one of the guys that carry a flashlight on your key chain? when you saw that happen last night you think that is probably a good idea. gregory, do you do that? >> i have flashlights in my car and throughout the house. i don't have one on the key chain. jenna: one of those things if they don't get the lights back on, a lot of people will have a tough time getting out of the stadium. greg, thank you. >> my pleasure. thank you. jenna: i bet you have a flashlight on the key chain. you have something like that going on, jon? jon: i can't say i do. i do have one of the flashlights that doesn't need booterry. jenna: he turns to me, that is why you need a flashlight on you all the type. of all the things i have in my purse i probably don't have a flashlight. a lesson for all of us. jon: baseball has rain delays. the super bowl, almost, well, it had a dark delay. we're following tragic developments from that story out of california where a bus crash kills eight people. even more are injured.
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we'll have a live report what may have happened there. we expect to learn more about america's drawdown in afghanistan when president obama delivers his state of the union speech next week. are afghan forces really ready to take over their nation's security? a close look at that context straight ahead. tay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning.
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jon: a tour bus overturns on a highway in southern california leaving a the least eight people dead. police say dozens of others were injuredded when the bus hit a car, rolled over and crashed into a truck
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yesterday. adam housley live from our l.a. bureau now. what else do they know about how this happened, adam? >> reporter: well, jon, a number about things coming in to us this morning. first of all you saw the video that came in as helicopters got above the crash scene came in after the sun came up. this happened after dark. the scene was horrific. investigators are searching the surrounding area in the fields for pieces of evidence as this goes on. 43 people were involved in this, a bus and two other vehicles. 17 are still hospitalized. five are in critical condition. right now the official death toll is eight but the california highway patrol expects that to go up to 10. the accident happened at 6:30. the bus returned from a day of sking in california back to mexico. the driver says he lost control of brake issues. the chp said it could have been because of speed. freeway is still shut down. the bus collapsed on itself once it rolled. you see blood on the side of
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the bus as people were thrown out through windows. debris sever where. they expect this freeway, highway, two-line highway to be shut down through most of the day today, jon as this investigation continues. jon: there is some interesting video out there i understand that might shed light to what led to the crash. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: we saw this come in early this morning daylight video was showing up on the satellite feed. look at the video of the skid marks. the chp believe speed was involved. you see where the skid marks begin and continue on down the road way. you see all four tires showing skid marks at one point. end eventually the bus would go up the embankment, roll offer and come down. it hit two vehicles on the way down. one being a car and one being a truck before it came to rest there basically perpendicular to the roadway. the bus driver said, he did survive. he said it was an issue of brakes. the chp said it was issue of
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speed, could be both. the ntsb has a team coming out there. nighttime video is dramatic as people were sent to number about of hospitals. this was $40 tour that left tijuana at 5:00 a.m. to ski and was on its way home when it happened. five people are still in critical condition at this hour and the death toll is expected to rise to 10, jon. jon: so frightening to see those pictures. adam housley thanks. >> reporter: absolutely. all right. jenna: as we await new information from the president on the upcoming troop drawdown in afghanistan the commander-in-chief is expected to outline his plan in the state of the union address next week. we'll await for details. there are growing fears inside of afghanistan that the country's troops are no match or the country's police force is no match for the taliban without the help of america. kt mcfarland is national security analyst, former deputy assistant secretary of defense in the reagan administration a difficult question that may be poorly
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phrased but i hope we can start here. how much do we care if the taliban terrorize their own people if they don't terrorize us? >> that is really tough question and it is probably the heart of the whole issue. we have now spent 10 years and hundreds of billions of dollars and although the american military has done enormously amazing things, we've done everything that we have asked of them. counterinsurgency. they switched to counterterrorism, they have done it all. despite that two things have failed. one the karzai government has failed to stand up after 10 years. they have failed it stand up and adequate police and military as you just said. the second thing that's happened, pakistan, despite 20 billions of dollars has failed. they played us for suckers and they have failed to shut down the taliban safe havens in pakistan. so at this point, where is that bar for american withdrawal. i think you're seeing the president is setting that bar real low. just can we get out there have without having to shoot our way out.
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jenna: there was an interesting article in the "wall street journal" that showed a mixed picture if you will. some successes for the local police force, some concerns as well. i saw a comment by a private contractor taking away what they built in area. we're here to take down everything what the u.s. government paid for and take it out with us, this contractor said. how much do you think money is a factor in this, in the timeline and everything? >> jenna, i asked that very same question to one. senior marine generals. i've been to afghanistan. you have a lot of infrastructure there. you have built little cities with a lot of american equipment. he said we're not going to take apart the infrastructure. but we are taking every bit of equipment out. we hope we get to take it out the cheap route, the land route through pakistan. if not we'll fly it out. we're not leaving one tank behind. we're not leaving one armored personal carrier. we're taking it all with us. that will be long, complicated and expensive. jenna: if sequester happens then could we even maintain what we have in afghanistan
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if the president desired to have several more years, for example, in the country? >> i think it would be really tough. sequester, automatic cuts coming mostly on the back of defense and even though we are drawing down in afghanistan the stuff we're bringing home, that stuff needs to be repaired. it is needs to be repaired and it costs money to bring it home. jenna: are we making the best decision on afghanistan based on the strategy to of our enemies and make us more safe or to the bottom line? >> i think at the end of the day afghanistan will have failed because our political leaders, republican and democrat, and afghan political leaders have failed our military. what is going to happen they will take it out on the military. when i came into the pentagon with the administration we were horrified what we saw. there were 10 years of cuts under jimmy carter after vietnam. we found planes that couldn't fly. because airplane pilots because they didn't have enough hours certified.
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ships that couldn't sail. for he have tank we had sitting one next to it that we cannibalized. the worst thing we took it out on military personnel, wounded warriors, homeless veterans. we're starting to see it now. the sequester cuts will have cuts in health care benefits. they will be cutting back on, you know, on the benefits that our wounded wars i don't remembers and retirees have. we're doing it again. not just the equipment maintenance and the operations of our armed forces but on the actual personnel and i think that was a stain on the soul of america in the 1970s. i think it will abstain on the soul of america if we do it again. jenna: very important things for us to think about as we await comments from the president and the state of the union. kt, great to have you as always. >> thank you. jenna: jon? jon: there are some new concerns for the millions of twitter uses ers out there. the company says hackers compromised the personal information of thousands of members. twitter is not alone. other major u.s. companies are reporting cyber at tax. what's behind all of this?
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an expert coming up. a man tasered right in front of buckingham palace. why police say they needed to stop him from reaching the gates.
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jenna: quick look for you now at some of the stories coming up new next hour including this one. the week really getting off to a snowy start for people across the midwest. we'll take a look where the latest blast is heading next. also a big show of force as the united states and south korea kick off a new round of war games but there are rising concerns that north korea is preparing for a new nuclear test that has a lot of folks worried. scientists say a skelton found under an english parking lot is indeed that of the king richard the iii. jon: what? jenna: come on. how they solved a 500-year-old mystery they say and what the remains may tell us how the ruler died. a parking lot. jon: what is he doing under there? huh. a frightening scene right
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right now side buckingham palace in london. guards were forced to use a taser to stop a guy armed with a pair of knives heading toward the gates. the confrontation became during the famous changing of the guard ceremony. when place came toward him he held one of the knives to his own throat. they fired the taser. he was immediately under arrest. buckingham palace says queen elizabeth was not home at the time. jenna: wonder where she was. >> she has a lot of palaces. jenna: hundreds of thousands of twitter users information suddenly exposed. the company says it was a victim of cyberattack. it join as growing list of american companies heart targeted by hackers. those companies pointing the finger at china for a new string of cybercrimes. fox business network's peter barnes joins us for this. peter, everything is okay in your twitter account and in peter barnes's world? >> reporter: i don't even know what my handle is.
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jenna: that is good place to start. that way nothing can be stolen. we hear about different hacking taking place at different times. how concerned is wash ton really about this latest spring of reports?. >> reporter: very concerned. the administration appears to be getting ready to get tougher on china over all this computer hacking. a new government intelligence report in fact to be released shortly is expected to call the rise in chinese cyber attacks a threat to the u.s. and its economy. the moves come after "the washington post", "the new york times" and "the wall street journal" announced recent attacks on their computer systems suspected of original senating from china. social media site twitter as you say said friday dreamly sophisticated hackers from an unidentified source may have stolen the user names, e-mail addresses and passwords of 250,000 customers. now the u.s. has made little progress in negotiations with the chinese to stop this kind of hacking. now the u.s. is considering new economic and diplomatic
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steps to prevent it and according to "the financial times", more information-sharing between washington and private companies to protect critical systems and infrastructure like power grids and communications systems. >> we, you know, have had and been very clear about our substantial and growing concerns about the threats of economic to economic national security posed by cyber intrusions including the theft of commercial information. we have been clear with the government of china we need to continue to talk about this. >> reporter: but administration officials won't comment on their specific cybersecurity plans, jenna. jenna: maybe it is good that they talk about it and don't e-mail. as we know doesn't seem like that will be that safe with all the hacking going on. that is the state department, peter. do the chinese have anything to say about this? what is their response? >> reporter: chinese
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officials deny that china is behind these cyber attacks. and they point out hacking is against the law in china. jenna: well, there you go. >> reporter: i'll tweet some about that. jenna: yes. jon will be speaking with an expert on hacking coming up in about 15 minutes. maybe that expert can find out what your twitter handle is and we can kind of complete the circle on this. >> reporter: i will call the chinese. they will know it. jenna: for sure, he is special after this report. peter, thank you. >> reporter: okay, jenna. jon: the nfl is facing growing concerns about the safety and health of its players. we'll take a look at what the league wants to do now to try to protect athletes from repeated concussions. a truly incredible rescue to tell you about this morning. crews braving dangerous terrain to save a skier buried alive after an avalanche. that is coming up next. >> just ran as fast as i could and yelling at other people out there. okay, get your bee cons on search. and come over here with your
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jenna: backcountry sking excursion turns into quite a harrowing ordeal for one utah man after he was swept up by an avalanche and trapped in the snow. thankfully a guy leading a nearby group of skiers jumped into action and use ad beacon to locate the lost skier reaching him just in the nick of time. >> i was not really excited about the whole rescue. i saw i was digging up somebody that was dead. we have a guy is purple and blue or whatever, you know. but, he was okay. >> he told our officers that he got swept away in the avalanche. got carried over a cliff and got buried four to five feet below the snow surface. jenna: what a blessing, right? the avalanche victim able to
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leave the mountain on his own two feet because of those rescuers. you know as a skier jon, that is not usually the outcome. jon: carrying those things you have to carry an avalanche beacon into the back ground tri. that is a lucky guy. jenna: glad he is okay. >> for all the drama, the excitement, all the strategy, all the appealing things about football the way football is currently played in the nfl is fundamentally unsustainable. jon: some surprising words there from nbc sportscaster bob costas, calling for change in the nfl he is just one of many expressing concern about the long-term health of players who suffered repeated blows to the head. now the nfl is teaming up with the general electric company to develop technology that would better detect concussions. joining us now to talk a little little more about it, dr. marti mack carry, professor of public health at john hopkins medical center, and the author of, unaccountable. general electric makes a lot of high-tech medical machines, ct scanners and
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the like. they would seem to be a natural partner for the league in trying to come up with more information about concussions and how often they happen. >> that's right, jon. they are a sort of likely partner. they also do a lot of research on plastics. part of this contract from the nfl to ge, which is about $50 million, will develop safer, helmets, better technology, better padding, better equipment. the other part will probably develop better scanners. you know ge makes a lot of the cat scanners and mri machines we use here in the hospital. so maybe better imaging can tell us more about the early signs of concussions. jon: some of the players have expressed concerns it is not even the major hits, the major concussion-inducing hits that are the south of what seem to be the problems here. just the representative, sort of mini strikes that could be the problem repetitive mini strikes could be the problem. >> absolutely.
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it is related to the location of the hit than the strength of the hit. for a long time we've known very little about concussions because the definition of a condition discussion is a hit that renders you a little unconscious for even a brief home of time but the imaging studies are totally normal. when you have a normal cat scan but somebody just felt like they lost their consciousness, that is what we call a concussion. so it has been very hard to quantify this. we need to use higher technology, better resolution and better imaging to really understand the early swelling that is going on. there may be implications for alzheimer's and other diseases that can come out of this contract with the nfl. jon: right. this is also of interest to people way beyond nfl players. a lot of our soldiers are getting concussive brain injuries being in a tank or armored vehicle when an ied goes off. there are all kinds of applications that go way beyond the nfl right here. >> there are all kinds of folks that can benefit from the research that will be conducted here. i think about the high
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school kids and junior high school students. a lot of time when we talk about the nfl rules we're thinking about the nfl players. jon: right. >> but if you really think about it there are a lot of high school kids doing the same rules that the nfl has. if we can make football a little bit safer it will be have a let of implications for our kids. jon: dr. marty makary, thank you. >> thank you, jon. jon: happen p now will be right back
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jon: brand-new stories and breaking news ahead, including hacked, a brand-new report just into our newsroom says the u.s. department of energy got hit by a major cyber attack. the f.b.i. reportedly investigating now. what was compromised and who is suspected of being behind it. new concerns that terrorist group hezbollah could have its sights set on american and other western targets with support from iran. could they also be getting help fro from countries close to the
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u.s. it was not bauer kwral fit for a king. we will tell you more about who researchers say these skeletal remains belong to. >> first, fox news alert out of alabama, where we're awaiting a news conference any moment now in midland city, alabama, day seven of that standoff with 66-year-old jimmy lee dykes. police say he's holding a five-year-old boy hostage in his underground bunker, tha bunker on his property. the f.b.i. apparently according to what we heard dropping cheese-its and hot wheel toys down a pipe after the little boy asked for them yesterday. we are learning that there are drones flying over this home-made bunker. dykes is accused of killing a school bus driver last tuesday, then grabbing the little boy off the bus. the bus driver was laid to rest yesterday and he is being called a hero for trying to protect the children. you can follow the news conference again, not starting yet, but we expect it at any moment at
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also coming up, a former supervisor ever the new yor of the new york city police department's hostage negotiating team. here we are on day seven. he weighs in on what negotiators must do now. how do you bring this whole ordeal to a peaceful end? big questions today and hopefully some answers ahead. some serious new concerns about the nation's cyber security as we are getting reports of a major cyber attack at the energy department of all places. a brand-new hour of "happening now." i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. the f.b.i. is reportedly investigating now the attacks which happened about two weeks ago. apparently no classified information was compromised but the personal information of several hundred employees was compromised. no clear suspects identified so far but the sophistication of this attack points to a foreign government's involvement, possibly china. china has also been blamed for
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recent attacks on "the new york times" and the "wall street journal," which is owned by the parent company of fox news. china's ministry of national defense denies the claims. morgan wright ace former adviser to the state department's antiterrorism assistance program, also a cyber security analyst. you hear the energy department and you think maybe not a big deal, i mean they could have gone off the pentagon or something like that. energy handles some of the nation's most sophisticated nuclear labs, doesn't it? >> yeah when you start talking to bombs i'd like to think that they are really concerned. they hold some of the highest learn clearances next to the proximity to the president. it's no splice they are going after the personal information because you use that personal information to compromise the person, to learn more about them and their targeting people and they are targeting positions and this started years ago. there was an intrusion in the los alla salamos lab.
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they collect information on people so they can target some of the sensitive positions. >> the china's people's daily is a government newspaper over there. it is already out with a denial of these claims and poo-po organization ing it saying the united states is trying to stir out trouble. do you buy that. >> i'm shocked, you could knock me over with a feather. i was on with eric shawn a few years ago and at that time they were running operation called project golden phoenix, the great firewall of china nothing happens in that country that goes into it or outside of it that the chinese government does not know b. they've been behind some of the most significant intrusions, there is probably no doubt that they are behind this. the fact that they deny it is standard procedure for them. they are without a doubt and when jenna and i talked a few months ago, she said who is the number one threat, without a doubt china is the number one threat in the cyber domain. >> the personal information of energy department employees got hacked here, is that a problem?
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is there a way to use that? >> absolutely. you know, you think about the way stuxnet and flame were used, they used target-specific scientists in the iranian facilities. we don't know who they are, they probably won't tell us. these are not just low-level positions, scientists, people with significant positions. you want to start off by compromising the lower level information, things that people pay less attention to so you can get into the mortar get rich environment, user names, passwords, things about what activities are involved in, where they may be going. it's not just online, some of this information may be used that foreign agents can meet up with these folks in what is called the real world and maybe compromise them out in public not just over the internet. jon: scary stuff. morgan wright, thank you. jenna: in the real world that we try to live in, even though we work on television the president was taking taxes during his very high profile interview right before the super bowl. wendell goler is live at the white house with the
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significance of what the president had to say. >> reporter: the president says there is no doubt we need more tax revenue not from raising tax rates but from closing what he considers to be tax loopholes in the system that let high income people, especially those who make money mainly from investment to pay a lower tax rate than middle income, salaried or hourly wage easterners. h eastern earners. he says it's a matter of fairness. >> the average person doesn't have access to cayman island accounts or carried interest income where they end up make a much lower rate on billions of dollars that they've earned. we just want to make sure that the whole system is nare, that it's transparent and we are reducing our deficit in way that doesn't hamper growth. >> reporter: the president and his aides say the combination of additional revenue and spending cuts will reduce the deficit in a way that doesn't unfairly burden the poor and middle class, and still provide money for investments in education,
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research and development. republicans on capitol hill say the president already got his additional revenue with last year's tax deal. congress agreed to let the bush administration's upper income tax cuts expire for families making more than $450,000 a year, and also to phase out personal exemptions and a phase down itemized deduction beings for family income above $300,000 a year. the payroll tax deduction expired. a spokesman for john boehner said in a written statement, quote, any tax loopholes we close should be used to lower rates for all taxpayers, so we can be more competitive and create more jobs. boehner's office scolded the president for once again missing the deadline for submitting a budget. brendon buck says it's the fourth time in five years the white house has missed the first monday in february deadline. jenna: wendell goler live at the white house. thank you. jon: secretary of state john kerry, have to get used to using that term, it's a little hard to get used to the new title and name, he's arriving for his
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first official day on the job. the former massachusetts senator taking time into the dues himself to his new staff, offering kind words about his predecessors hillary clinton and condoleezzaa rice. james rosen is live at the state department with an update. james. >> reporter: good morning. big heels to fill that's what secretary kerry said as he addressed the audience here this morning. he has a wealth of foreign policy experience he brings to the job of course but also many years as a public speaker and like the best them he began here this morning with a few good jokes. >> i have to tell you, i liked my cubicle over there in transition corner. [laughter] >> but i cannot tell you how great it feels to sort of be liberated to know that i actually get to explore the whole building now. [laughter] >> so i've been freed. i'm the first person you guys freda, this is pretty good. [laughter] >> the nation's 68th secretary of state is the first child of a career foreign service officer
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to lead the department of state. secretary kerry told officials here at the harry s. truman building that he will advocate for them and they will embark together on a great adventure. >> we get to try to make peace in a world where there is far too much conflict and far too much killing. there are alternatives. we get to lift people out of poverty. we get to try to cure disease, we get to try to empower people with human rights. we get to speak to those who have no voice. >> reporter: secretary kerry also made reference by name to the four americans killed last september in benghazi, libya and added he would not let their patriotism and pwreufr re, quo bravery be obscured by policy. he put in calls to benjamin netanyahu and palestinian authority mahmoud abbas, and kerry reaffirmed president obama's commitment to israeli security and to a search for
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lasting peace between the two p. as is quite the vogue in swearing in these days. soak kerry who has already been formally sworn in will have a ceremonial swearing in ceremony, that takes place this week at the state department. jon: we wish him well. thanks. jenna: a town in alabama is praying for the release of a five-year-old boy being held hostage in an underground bunker, six days, nearly seven after he was kidnapped from a school bus. new efforts by health professionals to keep guns out of the hands of people with a history of mental illness. we explain just ahead. anyone have occasional constipation,
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jon: in midland city, alabama police are scheduled to hold a news briefing any moment now. you can see the microphones are at the ready in that live picture. of it is day seven of this hostage stand o. police say
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65-year-old jimmy lee dykes is still hold up in his underground bunker with a five-year-old boy he took hostage last tuesday. there does not appear to be and end to the stalemate any time soon. how are negotiators trying to get dykes to surrender. walt stkaoeupbs is a former supervisor of the new york city police department hostage negotiating team. i wonder about that. do you -- do you actively say to the guy, hey, we'd like you to surrender, we'd like you to come to the surface or do you make it more subtle. >> the bottom line is you keep the dialogue going. bee have a motto, it's called talk to me. that is the main option that should be taking place. continue the tkpwo*erbgss because they seem to work -fpblt the other options are total negative options you, you want to go in with a dynamic entry team, no, bad call. you want to use chemical additives, negative, bad call. jon: why not?
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there is a pipe supposedly they are communicating through. why continue you heil they are sleeping put some kind of gas that would knock them out and then bring them to the surface? >> good point, the point is that we've had history, in russia they did that in a movie theater where over a hundred people died because you've got to understand one thing, jon the lung capacity of that child is different than that of the hostage taker. if they do not know what type of ailments which one might have or how much their breathing technique is, the amount of oxygen in that space where they are being held. jon: and it's a small space. he had this thing ready. i was at first under the impression that it was this entire underground warren but it's quite small? it's something like 6x8. a small trailer. >> the fact that the little boy has been given access to things like cheese crackers, and a hot wheels car, that is a good sign? >> that is an extent sign. it shows that the hostage taker is bonding with him. we call that the stockholm syndrome where the hostage taker
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and the hostage are starting to get -- understand each other. there are requests, there are give and takes, that also will happen between the hostage negotiator on the hostage taker. jon: if he wanted to kill this child he could have done it by now, right? i mean what -- why drag this whole situation out? >> absolutely. he has a motive. he has a statement. the problem he had is he had a statement before. no one would ever listen to him, that's why this type of hostage takes the longest amount of time. you're dealing with a person who is on a roller coaster, and the name of the game is you've got to be honest with him, because you lose valuable time if you're not, you've got to tell him that we are going to help him. the police that are talking to him right now are talking to him as a helper, as a friend, not there to arrest him, that is a separate issue. the important thing is that he takes care of that child, and that child and he come out of there successfully. keep in mind the longer it takes the better chance for successful
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negotiations and release. jon: it's been a week already, plenty long. but if time is on our side at this point that is a good sign. thank you. >> thank you, sir. jenna: the united states might not be too concerned ae apparently about north korea conducting a nuclear test. some intelligence officials according to one report might want to see this test happen. we'll tell you why. plus a long lost king of england found at last, as scientists solve a mystery that is more than 500 years old.
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for over 75 years people have saved money with...ohhh... ...with geico... ohhh...sorry! director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me.
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>> a setupping find to tell you about for scientists in england. they say they have solved a 500 year old mystery. jaime colby has details for us. >> reporter: they waited a
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longtime for this one, jon. it was a rare and unexpected discovery. 500-year-old royal remains, they belong to england's king richard the iii and found not so sheik under a parking lot in the city of lester. >> the skeleton had a number of unusual features, it's slender build, the scroll leo sis and the battle-related trauma. all of these are highly consistent with the information that we have about richard the iii in life and about the circumstances of his department. >> reporter: it was actually the battle scars say scientists the most conclusive evidence that beyond a reasonable doubt the century's long missing king is him. then they used dna technology and that made it possible to link the remains to a distant living relative of king richard's sister. they say the monarch will be inch turned i enturned.
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jon: presumably it was not a parking lt. governor when the king was buried there. >> reporter: i doubt. 500 years ago. jon: we need to look into that. >> reporter: i have another story for you in 30 minutes stphaofplt fair enough. jenna minutes. jon: fair enough. jenna: the united states and south korea are kicking off drills. it comes in the wake of north korea preparing to conduct another weapons test in direct violation of the united nations. despite this the new york times is reporting that some u.s. intelligence officials want to go ahead with the tests, want north korea to just go ahead and do it, thinking it will give us all a better sense of whether north korea is really getting closer to a weapon that could threaten the u.s. mainland. joining us now gordan chang author of nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world. david albright, president for the institute of science and international security and a former weapons inspector.
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david starting with you. you just took a recent look at north korea and their weapon fights, if you will. what do you think every american needs to know about what north korea is doing with nuclear weapons today? >> i think the most important thing is worrisome, that they appear to be trying to build a greater nuclear weapons capability, and we have to worry if they'll detonate a nuclear explosion underground that will demonstrate that they are better at making nuclear weapons, more deliverable weapons. we also have to worry that at some they mayo vert lee deploy nuclear weapons as a sign they would view to deter their neighbors but most neighbors would feel those weapons are a direct threat to them. we are at a very bad point right now where the whole situation couldess ka lit and be much harder to rollback or limit north korea's advancements 0 nuclear weapons. jenna: just a kick follow-up for you david. what do you think about this report that apparently the
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intelligence group is split as to whether or not they'd like to see the test done, our intelligence officials because they'd like to just see where north korea is at with their program. do you think that is wise? >> well certainly i think -- i'm in the camp that would like to know a lot more about what they are up to. when i've gone there i have endless questions and the technical level and usually the north korean as have to stop me long before i've used up my questions. so it's natural. but our political leadership has made it very clear, they've warned north korea not to test, that it would be seen as provocative and they've committed the leadership has committed that they will increase sanctions on north korea if it does test. jenna: gordon that's something you say that there is room to do. if north korea ends up doing this what do you think is the right move for the united states to follow-up on it. >> we should stop subcontracting our security to the chinese and the united nations. even if this was the right thing
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to do a few years ago, right now we are at a time, as david says, where the north corina villaraigoscorina villaraigosa they make very threatening statements against the united states and we know they are not a status quo power. they have used violence to upset situations that they've found to be unacceptable. when they have nuclear weapons they'll have much more ability to do that. >> let me get the big picture if i could as well. we are worried about this technology, whether or not they have the warhead on the long-range miss that he will could bring the nuclear bomb to the united states. why would they do that? what would be their both sraeugs to engage us in that way. >> they want to detour us. they feel threatened by us and want too keep us are from in a sense threatening them. there is also part of this is that they depend on these weapons. it's a point of strong national
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pride, and that's one of the things that makes it harder for them to stop, is that they benefit domestically from them. they also tend to use them in leverage, in trying to negotiate concessions from the united states. so they've found the weapons very useful politically, and economically, and it makes this a very difficult problem. i would add, i don't think they can put a warhead on a long-range missile i. think they've got a ways to go. i think in our assessment and we've heard this from other governments i i think you have to give them credit that they could put a warhead on a shorter-range dishe will and they haven't done in it an overt way. they are not racing ahead, they are moving ahead, and i still think there is opportunities to try to either engage to with them, it may involve after being -- putting pressure on them, but to engage with them to limit their newt growth in their nuclear weapons arsenal. jenna: as you point out we are not the only ones watching north
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korea. iran is also closely watching, why is iran watching and where are our concerns beyond wound just north korea and where they stand with their nuclear program. >> iran is watching and they've had observers on site in north korea for the two prior nuclear tests, 2006, 200 the because the iranians have been selling the koreans ballistic missiles and nuclear technology. the nuclear reacted destroyed in syria was probably paid for by the iranian and certainly was north korean technology. we see the joint missile and nuke programs between iran and north korea stkwrao vicinitying. thank you. great to have you both today. thank you for your expertise. jon: the obama administration is set to take drastic new steps to tackle a growing security threat. what the administration has planned and what it could mean for your online safety. plus, new fears that terror group hezbollah may be targeting the united states. the latest on that in a live
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jenna: "happening now" sources are telling fox the obama administration is weighing tougher action on cyber security preparing a new threat assessment in the wake of some of these high profile incidences that we've been talking to you a lot about, including this recent attack on the energy department. also there is some other attacks and threats from countries like china and iran and russia and other hot spots around the world that's really caught the attention of a lot of high
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profile folks. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live with more on the story. >> reporter: good morning. former senior intelligence officials working the cyber issue say it's the frequency, intensity and duration of of the attacks that can only be supported by an asian state. the two countries implicated are china and iran. in about the last two weeks at least two major newspaper outlets including "the new york times" and the "wall street journal" who were doing investigative reporting on the chinese government and military along with twitter were hacked. the office of the director of national intelligence is not commenting on a new assessment which details the threat from nation states nor is there direct comment on reports that the administration is now crafting rules that would allow them to take preemptive cyber steps. it would allow the u.s. to strike when a threat is imminent. these rules for engagement will be pushed out of the shadows later this week when the white house counterterrorism adviser john brennan faces his confirmation hearing as proposed head of the cia. he is described as a chief
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architect not only of the drone program, the targeted killing program but also these new cyber rules of engagement. speaking to reporters overseas the defense secretary warned very publicly of the rising threat and the implications if the u.s. fails to take the initiative. we don't have that sound right there. what secretary man pan has said on countless occasion is he's warned of a cyber warfare specifically the targeting of the u.s. infrastructure. the power grid, the banking system and done so in a way that it would cripple the u.s. economy and we have that sound byte now. let's listen. >> we are living in a world now where we are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks. this is the whole new battlefield. you can use cyber to basically take down our power grid system in the united states, you can taous cyber to take dow use
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cyber to take down our government si systems our banking systems. >> it's almost a one-two punch where it's there is a cyber attack and coupled with an explosive attack to amplify the affects of one another, jenna. jenna: something to pay attention to. catherine, thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. jon: we've told you president obama is making a big push to control guns taking his plan on the road for the first time right now he's on his way to the minnesota -- on his way to minnesota to try to rally public support. meanwhile there is a raging debate over how to keep the guns out. hands of people with a history of meant reillness. william la jeunesse live in our west coast newsroom with a look at what can be done to keep dangerous people from getting guns. william. >> reporter: well, jon there are two problems, one is getting people who show signs of mental instability evaluated before they are danger to selfor others. the second is getting those who are a danger into the background
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check database. arizona where a change in the law has tackled that first step getting anyone who shows signs of a mental disorder into the system. a mobile crisis team in phoenix. >> she's having thoughts to want to cut herself. >> reporter: responding to a call for help. >> high name is brett, how can i help you, what is going on? >> reporter: throughout arizona centers like this one handle mental health emergencies. >> what do they have the risk levels at. >> reporter: when needed patients get immediate psychiatric dare as opposed to other states where typically a crime must first be committed before a court will order them to see a doctor. >> a doctor will take a look at the paperwork, you know, see if it meets the legal statute for the emergency petition and if it does our local police are actually dispatched to go pick up the person and bring them in for help against their will. >> reporter: arizona law allowing for an early diagnosis is unique. some argue it should go further
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allowing doctors to recommend a patient be added to the government's no buy list for guns. >> it's certainly possible that during that evaluation period the doctor believes this guy shouldn't have access to a weapon. that doc, ought to be able to call and put mr. jones on a list. >> reporter: current privacy laws prohibit therapists from calling police absent a specific threat. attorney chick arnold said it may be time to change. >> the law of confidentiality is really simple, everything is confidential except when it's not. and when it's not is when our community has decided that its rights are more important than that individual confidentiality right. >> reporter: some 40 million americans are treated for mental health issues, no one is suggesting, jon that you put all these people or they lose the right to buy a gun for g. the question is when tow put them on the list and how. in arizona some experts are recommending that when a person has a guardian that means they are incompetent they automatically go on the list and
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allow mental health agencies after treatment and evaluation to petition the state that they go on the no buy list as well. jon: you said arizona system is one of a kind. any other states looking at copying it? >> reporter: i know that for instance, they are studying the arizona standard, so it's not danger to selfto others but this persistent disability. [laughter] jarrod laughner could have got even treatment. had they told a crisis team they could have had inc inch volume even taeufr retreatment and got even him into a who. he obviously needed care but they didn't know about the statute. jon: thank you. jenna: new fears that the turmoil rock being the middle east will be felt closer to the united states if not here. israel launching an air strike reportedly deep into syria preventing a shipment of antiaircraft missiles from reaching one of its enemies, hezbollah one of the most powerful and well armed terrorist groups in the middle
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west. its biggest sponsor is iran which has threatened toee tal kwraeut against israel and its allies, which of course includes us. hezbollah is a shiite muslim group based in lebanon founded in 1982 after the israeli invasion of lebanon. hezbollah has close links to iran and syria relying on both for support, and the u.s. designated it a terrorist group in 1997. our next guest says hezbollah has climbed back up the list of immediate threats facing our country. matthew levitt is director of counterterrorism and intelligence at the washington institute for middle he's policy e. just put out a report on this. why are you concerned about the hezbollah threat now. >> hezbollah has begun an international terrorist campaign in european elsewhere, in asia, that is not just related to its own interests, such as seeking revenge for the assassination of its terrorist leader back in 08,
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but now this is part of iran's shad tow war. we see hezbollah targeting buses of israeli tourists, successfully in bulgaria last summer, unsuccessfully just a week earlier in cypress. those two cases are about to come to a close in europe. bulgaria is report lee going to issue its report tomorrow, cypress in a week or two. we are no less concerned about what hezbollah can do here in our hemisphere. jenna: even the last two hours of our show we talked about different threats facing the country, the taliban in afghanistan, terrorists hiding in pakistan. north korea, now we are looking at hezbollah as well. where do you think hezbollah sits in the list of threats to the united states? >> well we do have lots of threats and we have to deal with them simultaneously. but the fact of the matter is that where hezbollah used to be further down the list, in terms of potential issues here at home it's now creeping up a little
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bit. we see local, state, federal law enforcement, u.s. intelligence community increasingly concerned about this threat, and people in the government have told me that on some days the number one, two or three thing that is being briefed to senior decision makers is not just al-qaida and its associated movements but increasingly iran, and help hez. jenna: some of the things that you've heard from your contacts i know you probably can't share with us. when you mention there is chatter about hezbollah is there a certain region of the country where there is more chatter than other stph-? >> as i understand it there are no current threats in the united states that people know about it. most of what hezbollah does here is fundraising, et cetera. it does have the capability to do things in the united states if it wanted to. every since a plot in which they tried to carry out an assassination of the saudi ambassador here in washington d.c., the u.s. intelligence and law enforcement communities have been much, much more concerned about what iran and its
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proximate sees might do in the event that things get still more complicated between the west especially the united states and israel, and iran over the nuclear program. jenna: if i could that's why we wanted to talk to someone like you now, because we see this dance, again there is unconfirmed reports about what israel has been doing or not doing inside syria, inside lebanon. so far this conflict has been very far away. how do you see it as a trigger potentially for us to be more involved in it. >> it's far away from you and me in the united states right now. it's not far away from europe, not narcotic away from thailand, in fact we see hezbollah operating all over the world. u.s. intelligence officials and law enforcement officials both have been saying for years and continue to say now that hezbollah has capabilities here in the united states and could put those to use if it felt that the u.s. was directly threatening its or iran's interests. where you draw that line is unclear, but there is no doubt that hezbollah feels we are threatening its interests in syria, in lebanon, and that we are threatening the interests of
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iran in terms ever the nuclear program and that's the reason for the concern now. jenna: one of the reasons why we wanted to have it on our radar and the radar of our viewers as well. matthew, great to have you on the program. thank up for the time. >> hals a pleasure. jon: we've got bad news last week on the state of the u.s. economy. did it get the coverage it deserved in are the mainstream media doing a bit of selective reporting? we'll take that up with our news watch panel coming up. ♪ i am the ghost of cookies past. residue. so gross. well you didn't use new pam, so it looks like you're "stuck" with me. [ female announcer ] bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. that's why there's new pam.
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bring snow showers to the northern plains and upper midwest as we go into the week and in the pacific northwest we haven't forgotten about you, an area of low pressure will approach tomorrow bringing rain and mountain snow. that is my best impression of janice dean. jon: meteorologist jenna lee. jenna: thank you very much. i'm going to try. it's not easy. jon: you've got to study that thing. janice worked long and hard to get that degree. that's right. the economy continues to face strong head wind, speaking of that, with growth in the fourth quarter turning negative. the president seems to be getting a pass from the mainstream media as he blames the downturn on bad decisions by congress. jim pinkerton is a contributing editor and writer for the american conservative magazine. alan colmes is host of the alan colmes radio show and author of thank the liberals for saving america. over the weekend, alan the president in his radio address said, bad decisions in washington are the reason for this economic downturn.
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is it possible, is it possible that some of his own decisions of part of that? >> anything is possible. i'd like to know what those decisions would be. we found in the last quarter when the job numbers came out last week that there was a spike in job growth more than 200,000 more jobs in the last quarter than we originally thought. manufacturing is spiking, housing starts are up. there are a whole number of other indicators that you want to talk about whether the media reports them or not. the media is very good reporting the raw numbers, 7.9% undown from 7.8%, but they don't go into the details about the other indicators that show that we are on the right course. jon: so you think that the president -- the coverage of the economy is pretty good so far? >> i didn't say that. i don't think it's good number. i think we need to talk more about the other indicators. housing starts, manufacturing spikes, other areas that show that we are headed in the right direction. stock market up over 1400. all these are indicators that are much more positive than simply raw numbers that the
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media normally reports. jon: the ne "the new york times," jim and some of the other newspapers when the numbers came out that suggested yes gdp did shrink, you get four quarters of that and you have a recession, the times didn't seem to suggest that the administration might be at fault here. >> right there is a fellow named clay waters who runs a group, outfit calls times watch within the media research empire now, as alan says a conservative leaning group, however, anybody can go to his site and decide for themselves whether clay is correct in arguing as he does, that "the new york times" has systematically downplayed the slow economy, and if alan wants some specific toss help illustrate why it is that unemployment went up to 7.9, and why the gdp contracted by a 10th of a percent the news came last week you can point for example to a specific antidote of the epa, the obama epa
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shutting down a coal plant in texas and costing 3900 people their future jobs. or you could point to the keystone pipeline, and why the obama administration has been opposing that so far. those are tangible as all get out and they do indeed add up to a collective portrait of a slow faltering economy stkpwhu also bring up the keystone pipeline as if that is the only answer to our employment issue, and, again, all these other economic indicators that the media so often forgets to report, it doesn't report the level of visibility that they do the raw job numbers h. index and manufacturing activity, spike. consumer confidence, up. housing starts, housing is doing better. all these indicate that we are headed in the light direction but the media doesn't tell that you. jon: we took a look, you hear the president talking about how we need more revenues if we're going to get this budget balanced. karl rove said this morning that revenues are actually higher than they were in 2008, and we checked, and he's right, if you
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look at the 2007 numbers a little over 2.56 trillion, 2.524 in 2008, and the projected revenue for fiscal 2013, 2.6 trillion. alan, so when the president says we really got to have more taxes, how should the media treat that? >> is the numbers we're looking at right now, that's going to solve our problems as if there is nothing else we should do. republicans agree now we have to at least raise taxes on the top one percent, this is not even a debate at this point. the notion that you can do just one thing and that solves all our revenue problems has been discounted even by republicans who realize that's what we have to do right now. jon: jim, no debate. i think they realize that obama hald alowe bam obama had call the cards to play on the fiscal cliff. a think tank run by the former president says if we got economic growth to 4% we could
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balance the budget. then you get into technology, innovation and energy, and fracking. i mean, for example, california alone has $3 trillion worth of oil in its offshore areas between the coast and where the federal waters take over. california's own waters and guess what they are not using it because they stopped them that. would balance the government in california a hundred times over and yet oddly enough the obama administration and the epa are not interested. jon: we'll continue that discussion during the break. we'll be right back. but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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jenna: a massive investigation uncovered a billion dollar insurance scam against one of the nation's top disability programs. that all happened last year. well now we are going to take a look at why the system continues to have immense fraud and abuse. david lee miller is live in our
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new york newsroom with this news story. >> reporter: the scandal you mentioned involved hundreds of retired long island railroad workers in new york who claimed they were disabled to boost pension benefits. they warn abuse and fraud is reach epidemic proportions. it's both a national and local problem. more americans than ever say they are disabled and can no longer work. even some police and firefighters are allegedly trying to take advantage after troubled system. bloomfield, new jersey police sergeant john sergio who sits on a state review board says 95% of claims are questionable. >> i remember while sitting at his desk somebody came up behind him and patted him on the shoulders and he's out with neck injuries. >> reporter: also on the rice social security disability claims. >> we don't actually know how great the fraud is. we strongly suspect, based on a lot of antidotal evidence, that it's a much higher proportion than acceptable and one that is
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continuing to put financial pressure on the system. >> reporter: this woman playing the drums at a musical festival collected disability for more than five claiming anxiety made it difficult to be near crowds. critics say claims based on difficult to diagnose ailments contribute to fraud and abuse. investigators say they aren't easily fooled. >> certainly if you're going to try and cheat the system it's easier to do it with a kiss built that doesn't carry lab tests with it. we get about 135,000 allegations a year from the public, from members of congress, from social security employees who are very good at spotting it. >> reporter: while taxpayers foot the bill for social security disability fraud, experts warn those who sthapbd to lose the most are the medically disabled workers who depend on benefits to survive. it could be broke in three years unless congress acts to boost funding and cut wastes. jenna: in as little as three years. david lee what a story thank you. jon: what a mess.
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president obama about to arrive in minnesota, he is making a big campaign-style mus push for gun control there. as you see air force one ready to touchdown there. what is shaping the debate, including a new photo of the president firing a shotgun. hi. i'm henry winkler.
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